Tag: Zuper FM

The Key to Exceptional Customer Service in the Construction Industry with Eduardo Samayoa (Ep. 25)

The Key to Exceptional Customer Service in the Construction Industry with Eduardo Samayoa (Ep. 25)

In Mexico City, Eduardo saw firsthand the struggles architects and developers faced in procuring materials on time. As a homeowner himself, he also noticed the lack of professional services in the construction industry.

In this episode, Eduardo Samayoa, CEO and founder of Simplo, shared his journey from working in lighting and product consulting in San Francisco to starting Simplo. He explores why Simplo was created and how he grew through the power of customer-centricity, clear communication, and leveraging technology.  

Eduardo discusses:

  • How creating a client-focused business promotes business growth
  • What clients want from a construction company
  • The importance of leveraging technology to streamline business operations
  • His advice for entrepreneurs looking to start a new business
  • And more


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Fixing Customers, Not Just Problems: The Art of Building Lasting Relationships with Gaven Fahl (Ep. 24)

Fixing Customers, Not Just Problems: The Art of Building Lasting Relationships with Gaven Fahl (Ep. 24)

“You can’t have a reasonable conversation during a fire or even when there’s a lot of smoke around.”

In this episode, Gaven Fahl, Director of the Critical Accounts Program at Hewlett Packard Enterprise joins us to talk about building proactive customer relationships and maintaining them.

With 12 years under her belt at Hewlett Packard Enterprise and as the founder of the Critical Accounts Program, she’s got a wealth of experience in building long-lasting relationships with customers beyond just fixing their technical issues. 

Gaven shares her insights into the art of nurturing successful customer relationships and offers practical tips that will undoubtedly revolutionize your approach to customer service and help your business thrive. 

Gaven and Michael discuss:

  • The critical role of customer relationships in business success
  • How to align customer expectations to avoid miscommunication and dissatisfaction
  • Effective techniques for rebuilding strained relationships and restoring trust
  • Proactive strategies for maintaining and nurturing customer relationships for long-term growth
  • The three crucial steps to rebuilding customer relationships
  • And more!


Connect with Gaven Fahl:

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The Path to Success for Skilled Technicians in Field Service Work with Rod Cook (Ep. 23)

The Path to Success for Skilled Technicians in Field Service Work with Rod Cook (Ep. 23)

In recent years, the field service industry has undergone significant changes, with a growing emphasis on sustainability and innovation.

In this episode, Rod Cook, Director of North American Service Operations at Trane Technologies, discusses the challenges and opportunities available for talent within the trades industry, particularly in HVAC. 

He explores how to achieve a lucrative career in the field service industry and the importance of investing in the next generation of technicians to drive sustainable change.

Rod discusses:

  • How HVAC technicians play a crucial role in reducing energy consumption and achieving sustainability goals
  • The challenges of attracting and retaining talent in HVAC, misconceptions, and an aging workforce
  • The lucrative and promising career path for field service work at Trane Technologies
  • How Trane Technologies is investing in culture and communities to uplift and retain technicians
  • And so much more!


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About Our Guest: 

Rod Cook is the Director of NA Services Operations for Trane’s Commercial HVAC business.  He has held numerous positions across the organization over his extensive career with Trane and leadership roles in Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), Operational Excellence, Service and Contracting Operations, and Performance Contracting…just to name a few.

In his current position as Director of NA Service Operations, he is responsible for leading Trane’s field service operations teams.  He provides leadership and support to over 2,500 field technicians and their leaders and helps them provide customers with a world-class service experience.  His primary areas of responsibility include field technology and tech-enabled services, mobility, coordination, fleet, and value-stream transformation.

Rod has over 24 years of experience in the HVAC industry and has spent the majority of his time strategizing, leading and implementing services operations solutions across North America.

Building a Unified Customer Experience: The Power of Collaborative Partnerships with Sai Padmarajen (Ep. 22)

Building a Unified Customer Experience: The Power of Collaborative Partnerships with Sai Padmarajen (Ep. 22)

Collaborative partnerships have the power to revolutionize the way you build a unified customer experience.

In this episode, Sai Padmarajen, Head of Channel & Ecosystem Partnership, and Rob Freedman, Head of Growth, both from Zuper, share their insights on their partnership model’s three-pronged approach. They highlight the evolution of Zuper’s partner network, which has grown from six to over sixty partners.

Sai and Rob emphasize the value of creating a synergistic partner ecosystem and identifying the right platform and solutions to achieve this goal. In addition, they share the key benefits and takeaways that a potential partner will reap from the collaboration.

Sai and Rob discuss:

  • How the Zuper Partner channel evolved over the past year
  • How Zuper is creating a synergistic partner ecosystem
  • The three-pronged approach to the partner model at Zuper – referral, reseller, and solutions partnership
  • The significance of identifying the right platform and solutions to create a synergistic partnership with the partners
  • And so much more


Connect with Sai Padmarajen:

Connect with Rob Freedman:

Predicting Field Service Management Business Market in 2023 (Ep. 20)

Predicting Field Service Management Business Market in 2023 (Ep. 20)

As we enter a new year, staying ahead of the curve and understanding the challenges and opportunities is essential to the field services business.

In this episode, we’re joined by Rob Freedman, Head of Growth at Zuper to explore the forecasted growth of the field service management market and the technology trends shaping the industry in 2023. 

Rob discusses everything from his latest article from outsourcing and the rise of contingent labor to the adoption of AI and automation.

Rob discusses:

  • The forecasted growth of the field service management market
  • The impact of outsourcing and the rise of contingent labor
  • Advantages of adopting AI and automation in field service management
  • How Zuper is navigating the future of field service management with technology solutions
  • And more


Connect with Rob Freedman: 

About Rob: 

Rob Freedman is a marketing executive and consultant with over 15 years of experience. He loves growing brands, developing all-star teams, and helping people achieve their professional and personal goals. Rob is a frequent contributor to articles on digital marketing trends, team leadership, and branding. As if all that weren’t enough, he also has two daughters to keep him busy! He spends his free time listening to music (he’s got eclectic tastes), traveling (he’s been everywhere from San Francisco to Kampala), reading books about the latest innovations in business, or drinking coffee (black).

Service Trends to Watch Out for in 2023 with Wael Mohammed (Ep. 16)

Service Trends to Watch Out for in 2023 with Wael Mohammed (Ep. 16)

The field service industry is experiencing a massive opportunity for growth in 2023.

As the industry moves forward, service leaders and technicians will need to strive to make data-driven decisions that will move them in the right direction.

In this episode, Michael Israel is joined by Wael Mohammed, EVP of Strategy at Field Nation, to talk about how the data from the work Field Nation performs helps companies scale back or scale up when needed. Wael shares some of the insights from the valuable data of the 2022 operations and how it can help inform the field service community and customers.

Wael discusses:

  • How the shift in IT and telecom needs has diversified labor sourcing strategies
  • Why it’s better to adapt to move from a fixed expense structure to a variable expense structure
  • How Field Nation’s data insights are helping its customers increase their service capabilities to expand their growth
  • How the negotiation process for technicians works
  • And more


Connect With Wael Mohammed:

Connect with Michael Israel: 

About Wael Mohammed: 

Wael Mohammed is the Executive VP of Product Management at Field Nation.He has a passion for identifying innovative concepts and transforming them into viable market solutions. With 25+ years of experience that span several industries across the B2B and B2C spectrum, Wael enjoys inspiring, mobilizing, and leading Product and cross-functional teams to deliver innovative technology products that make significant market impact.

Field Nation: Cutting Labor Costs In The Market with Mynul Khan (Ep. 15)

Field Nation: Cutting Labor Costs In The Market with Mynul Khan (Ep. 15)

With the change in consumer expectations, there is a substantial investment in IT and telecom infrastructure to support the digital customer experience. As a result, the demand for skilled technical labor as a fast, convenient cost-cutting option has risen.

In this episode, Michael Israel sits down with Mynul Khan, CEO of Field Nation, to discuss his company and how it has been able to meet the demand for technical labor, manage macroeconomic obstacles and reduce overall costs for companies.

Michael and Mynul discuss:

  • What the impetus was for founding Field Nation
  • How Field Nation got into the overall field service landscape
  • How Field Nation is helping businesses through this inflationary period
  • The trends Mynul sees for field services in 2023
  • And more


Connect with Mynul Khan:

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About Mynul Khan: 

Mynul Khan is the founder and CEO of Field Nation. Khan graduated from St. Cloud State University, where he developed an affinity for business start-ups. After selling his first venture, Khan launched Minneapolis-based Field Nation in 2008, when he identified the emerging contingent workforce trend.

Field Nation is not Mynul Khan’s first startup, but it is the one into which he has poured all of who he is. Mynul is the Founder and CEO of Field Nation; the leading online work marketplace for connecting people to get work done. His programming and data analyst background, as well as a honed “growth hacking” business acumen, combine in the form of a humble and soft-spoken man who is uniquely driven.

Live From the HubSpot Inbound Conference in Beantown (Ep. 12)

Live From the HubSpot Inbound Conference in Beantown (Ep. 12)

There is no doubt that HubSpot is one of the leading CRM platforms for scaling businesses. 

One of the main reasons HubSpot has managed to stay the course in a competitive industry is because of its ease of integration with many other solutions and applications such as Zuper FSM.

Michael Israel and the Zuper team take the show on the road to Boston for the Hubspot Inbound 2022 Conference in this episode. He gives us a sneak peek into the events and discussions at this conference and shares the highlights of Zuper’s partnership with HubSpot.

Michael discusses: 

  • Zuper’s integration with HubSpot
  • The conference that led him to join the Zuper team
  • The speakers and events at the Inbound 2022 conference
  • His experience visiting Boston now as a former resident of the city
  • And more


Connect with Michael Israel:

Gearing Up for the Fourth Industrial Revolution with Wajid Zakir (Ep. 11)

Gearing Up for the Fourth Industrial Revolution with Wajid Zakir (Ep. 11)

Did you know that we’re currently in the midst of our Fourth Industrial Revolution?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a period of rapid transformation across industries, societies, and nations. Technology, connectivity, and automation have been at the forefront of this revolution.

In this episode, We make a virtual stop in the UAE to speak with Wajid Zakir, Co-Founder and Director of Quiz Infomatics. He discusses how the UAE is gearing up to lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution, some challenges businesses face when transitioning from traditional to digital, and strategies to overcome them. 

Wajid discusses: 

  • The three initiatives driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the UAE
  • Five strategies for successful digital transformation
  • COVID’s impact on technology adoption in the UAE
  • How companies could grow in a competitive market with digital initiatives
  • The need for education in field management tools and their implementation in every industry
  • And more!


Connect with Michael Israel: 

Connect with Wajid Zakir

About our Guest: 

Wajid Zakir works with clients to help them transform their way of doing business. He uses technology to enhance customer experience, improve business processes, optimize costs, and maximize the use of tech opportunities.

Streamlining Services in the Landscaping Industry with Ben Souva and Jacob Krum (Ep. 10)

Streamlining Services in the Landscaping Industry with Ben Souva and Jacob Krum (Ep. 10)

The best businesses are created when you’ve identified a problem that needs solving. Our guests this week found their niche in the landscaping market as a result of their own frustrating experiences. 

In this episode, Ben Souva and Jacob Krum, the founders of Trim Landscaping, join Michael Israel to discuss the circumstances that made them start a landscaping business. They explain the usefulness of different technologies in solving the operational inefficiencies and business challenges that were getting in the way of achieving their goals. 

Ben and Jacob address: 

  • How they reinvented and modernized the way landscapers operate and manage their businesses
  • Their journey of how they started vs. where they are now 
  • What to look for in a technology partner that helps with scaling your business
  • And more


Connect with Michael Israel: 

Connect with Ben Souva and Jacob Krum:

About Ben Souva:

When it comes to growth and development strategies, Ben Souva never fails to bring his innovative approach to the table.

Ben used his extensive business development experience to develop new solutions for the back-end operations of his local landscaping business. Within one year of implementing Saas and Enterprise strategies, he saw business revenue increase by over five times its yearly average.

Today, Ben is proud to help landscapers around the country improve their operations, grow their revenues, and find success doing what they do best!

About Jacob Krum: 

Jacob Krum is a true magician in the world of business. A proven, passionate entrepreneur with an innate and unique ability to quickly assess and advise on growth strategies, Krum has demonstrated his expertise throughout his career by rapidly scaling multiple businesses from zero to over $650K MRR in as little as one year.

Combining his love for real estate with his drive to grow ventures, Krum is the owner and operator of Nvest realty. This firm identifies, targets, and purchases residential properties in the Phoenix metro area to renovate into profitable vacation rentals. Since its inception, Nvest has hosted more than 600 groups at Nvest branded assets. Forward-thinking and synergy-focused, Nvest added a burgeoning landscaping business to its portfolio in 2020 and has increased its gross revenue by more than 1,300% in its first year.