Triple Growth: How Zuper’s Platform Connected People and Improved Field Service Management in 2022 (Ep. 19)

Triple Growth: How Zuper’s Platform Connected People and Improved Field Service Management in 2022 (Ep. 19)

Zuper experienced substantial growth in 2022, tripling the number of users and new customers. 

In this episode, Michael Israel discusses all the attributes that added to the growth and value of Zuper’s service in connecting people digitally and the added functionality and enhancements they have put into their product. 

Michael shares the key elements that field the surge in growth, such as the ability to perform bulk actions and send notifications to many customers simultaneously.

Michael discusses:

  • The contributing factors to the strong growth Zuper experienced in 2022
  • The new service enhancements Zuper has put into the products
  • Some of the critical updates made to the platform in 2023 
  • The recent trends in field service systems
  • And more


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