Tag: Proactive Strategies

Fixing Customers, Not Just Problems: The Art of Building Lasting Relationships with Gaven Fahl (Ep. 24)

Fixing Customers, Not Just Problems: The Art of Building Lasting Relationships with Gaven Fahl (Ep. 24)

“You can’t have a reasonable conversation during a fire or even when there’s a lot of smoke around.”

In this episode, Gaven Fahl, Director of the Critical Accounts Program at Hewlett Packard Enterprise joins us to talk about building proactive customer relationships and maintaining them.

With 12 years under her belt at Hewlett Packard Enterprise and as the founder of the Critical Accounts Program, she’s got a wealth of experience in building long-lasting relationships with customers beyond just fixing their technical issues. 

Gaven shares her insights into the art of nurturing successful customer relationships and offers practical tips that will undoubtedly revolutionize your approach to customer service and help your business thrive. 

Gaven and Michael discuss:

  • The critical role of customer relationships in business success
  • How to align customer expectations to avoid miscommunication and dissatisfaction
  • Effective techniques for rebuilding strained relationships and restoring trust
  • Proactive strategies for maintaining and nurturing customer relationships for long-term growth
  • The three crucial steps to rebuilding customer relationships
  • And more!


Connect with Gaven Fahl:

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